Friday, February 25, 2011

"You can gain a friend in a year but lose a friend in a minute"

I think this quote is so right. This has been my life for almost a year. A few moments ago, I was reading an article that me and my friend were interviewed for. The title is "Dynamic Duo: Friends since the First Grade.." It talks about how my "best friend" and I have been friends since the first grade and inseparable... going to the same elemtentary school and high school. And shocking, we both wanted to go to the same college, but how things have changed.

We had been friends since the first grade. We always used to ponder about the first time we actually met each other, because we have always been together, it was hard to remember. We were conjoined at the hip. We graduate 8th grade together (with other friends) and we went to the same high school. We were always hanging out and sitting at lunch together. I had joined choir freshman year with other friends and I managed to get her to join later on in the year. We have been members since.

So the years went by and life was good. Something happen during our junior year that changed everything. She was allowed to date. She had a boyfriend before and she wasn;t head over heels the guy. Actually she broke up with him after like a year. She's had her guys that she liked and had this one kid that she really liked, but he fucked her over. Around the time for our musical, after she got a job, she liked this kid, who was also her coworker. She didn't really know if she liked him and thought she'd be embarrassed to go out with him because he was a tad bit shorter. But us, being good friends, some other friends and I told her to go ahead and don't worry about the height difference. If you guys like each other a lot, it shouldn't matter.

That was a mistake. (In my opinion.) She always took the kid to a my parties. I didn't have a problem with that, but it got annoying because she would cuddle with him the entire night and not really participate in the parties. She took him to prom and all she did was make out with him and didn't even pay attention to the rest of her friends. But I still stuck behind her.

The changes happened during the summer after our junior year. She had come to a party without her boytoy and she didn't even try talking to us. She just went to a corner and waited for someone to come say hi. Every said hi, but we aren't going to chase you. We all came to figure  out she didn't have time for us between her job and her new boyfriend. Whenever either of us wanted to hangout, we asked her, but all of us asked her but she shut us down with either work, or going on a picnic with ****, movies with ****. She finally had sex with the kid, even though she was skeptical because he had multiple partners before had, and that would have been her first time.

Her attitude and everything else changed. She complained to others that we didn't care about her and that we didn't want to hang out with her. Even though I felt like she had ditched me for him. I might not be able to think of a specific time that she "ditched" me, but she has to other people and it's hard to know that you, her best friend, was replaced by her 3 month boyfriend and she would rather spend time with him then me. I know that sounds childish, but I believe people need to have a balance between chicks and dicks. I get it, you want to spend time with your boy, but there should be time that you have to say I'm hanging out with my girls today. It's cute when guys say it and girls too.

Whatever. She'd pick fights with out and made herself out to be the victim. Saying we always put the blame on her. I HAVE NEVER FOUGHT WITH HER OR SAID ANYTHING WAS HER FAULT BEFORE, so I don't know where her audacity came from. She got mad at me because one of our mutual friends needed help over the summer. Her dad died a few months before and just needed someone there. I had talked to her like every summer day and I got yelled at because I was talking to her more than I was talking to my "best friend". First off, when I did text her, she was always with her boo, so it wasn't like she had any time to talk to me anyways. The she got upset that I got mad closer to other friends and distant to her. Who's fault is that?

She told me she was upset that people hung out and didn't invite her. Every time I had a huge group gathering, I invited her. I had a birthday party and she didn't even come to that. Her mom told her she had do finish her homework before she could come. If she didn't miss so many school days, maybe she could have come and we wouldn't have this problem. huh? And there are times where people just want to hangout one on one, like a small group. I have a friend who lived like down the street. We decided to hangout like every week of the summer. We got really close and often like publicized we were hanging out on facebook. My other friends would hang out alot and since one had her license, it was very easy for them too. Apparently, it was wrong of us to hangout with just one person, because we left someone out. IS SHE SERIOUS? She spent every breathing moment by that bum's side and came at me saying I should have invited her ?

Now we're sort of cool. We aren't close anymore. We don't really talk outside of school. She doesn't make an effort to hangout or to even try to talk to everyone. Then she goes around saying that we don't care about her. If you aren't going to put in anything, honey, I'm not going to waste my energy. Every time I hang out with someone, I have invited her. She has yet to come to one of them. So whatever, her lost. The past few weeks she got her license and this vacation, she had her cousins car for the week. She decided to stop by my house at like 9:30 pm (with her beau of course, they aren't even going out anymore) and say hi. It was cool and all but I had been asking her if she wanted to go to the mall all day and she never answered me. The next day she asked me if I wanted to go to the mall, and she picked me up in 5 minutes. I don't know if she hit her head someplace, she must have forgotten who my parents were. Then she called at like 8 pm asking me to go to Panera. I was eating dinner at that time and she gave me attitude when I told her I couldn't go. BIG WHOOP! That's 2 to your 3895735 times you "couldn't" do anything.

It's whatever. We have out riffs. We'll be pretend friends till the end of the year, I guess. She says that her senior year sucks, but mine is going pretty good. It annoys me that she wants to go to the same college I do, but I probably won't even go there, so she can have it. I don't any of my friends or I will try to keep in contact with her after graduation. We are tired of trying and nothing happening. If she wants friends she can come to us. She's not the center of attention, sorry.

Keep your friends. Don't forget about your friends because you have a guy/girl that you like. Have a balance. And please, girls, don't open your legs to the first guy that come. -___- If you have something wrong, don't be big and bad behind text and computer and not say anything in person. It's not going to help your case. You'll just lose friends quicker. And be patient with everyone. Sometimes people don't know what they are doing. Be careful who you vent to, also. It can come to bite you in the ass.

Live, Laugh, Love,
Pami (;

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