Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fuck College

So last semester was my first semester of college. I didn't think it was too difficult and I managed to go out with a 3.4.

This semester is another story. First off I had a terrible chem teacher. He was a nice guy and all and knew a lot about chemistry, but he couldn't teach for shit. He would teach in class and I would somewhat understand things, but come the freaking quizzes, I'd bomb them. Honestly throughout the course of the semester there was only two quizzes that I got above a 65 (one was an automatic 100 for completing and the other was a 69). And I wasn't the only one. Out of a class of 35, probably like 3 people were passing his quizzes. But I'm not going to talk about everyone else.

I know what the fuck I am doing in school. I'm not a dumbass, so to get those kinds of grades really pissed me off. And also the fact I finished chemistry with an A- last semester, it says something. I stayed up all night studying for the freaking midterm and I end up getting a 67 (including 10 points as mercy). And he had the audacity to tell me I should have studied harder. No BITCH you need to change the way you teach and present your material. Honestly the only thing that saved me in chem was the freaking homework which I tried to keep a high 90 and chem lab which wasn't even that great. Fuck GenChem. I'm done with it... now off to Orgo. -_____-

The thing that pisses me off is my final grade for anthropology and biology. I had an A midsemester for anthropology. And that was with one A- on a test and the discussion posts up to par. I missed 2 discussion posts, a 76 on the second test, an 80 on a project and I felt as if a got a 90something on the final, so how in the world did I end up wit a B?! Granted I never showed up for the class, but it was never stated in the syllabus if there was an attendance policy. If you are going to deduct points for attendance, you should state. It's only fair.

For Biology, I've never gotten a lot of As in bio, but thats the major i Want? Whatever, for midsemester I had an A- (shocked me.) I didn't do well on the tests 79, 84, and the final was horrible (i dont know what I got on that). I got an 88 for a group project and I sited my sources which should have given me a 93 (but im not bitter.) I did the fucking clicker questions and my homework. I don't understand as to why I got a B. At least it should have gone down to a B+, i would have taken that. I was doing wonderful in Bio lab. I had three lab reports that I slipped under my lab instructors door and I think that's why my grade went down, because he never received it. Damn it i should have followed up with him.

I emailed those two subjects and hopefully I can get myself to calm down and hopefully the grades change )please make a mistake). I just need at lease a 3.0 this semester to make me feel like i'm not a failure.

If i cant, I might as well change my major now...


**Like it makes me wonder. Like what was the point of studying so hard. All those late nights. All those all-nighters. If i have to put in so much work for mediocre results then whats the point? What am I doing wrong.? I don't party much and I don't go out. So what is it? Why can't I just get the grades I need.

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