Monday, December 19, 2011

Woah Time Flies

I haven't blogged in so long. It's crazy reading my posts before. So maybe I should update you on my life. Well from March of 2011 and on ... I graduated high school in May. I was accepted to 8 of the 10 schools I applied to. Ended up going to Emmanuel College. I got my license at the end of June and been driving since. Sti don't have a car. I have a man (sort of) not sure how I feel about it yet. I'm not a virgin anymore. I might like sex a little too much. I still am in love with my ex. I feel like it won't go away. I entered college in the fall of 2011. I turned 19 years old on my birthday. It was good, except I missed the way my friends and family celebrated my birthday. College is alright. I've been drinking, but I haven't gotten drunk. I've gone out a few times, but not enough. I want to change that. I finished my first semester of college! Yay I can actually survive. I was worried about some of my grades for the end, but I think I did alright. I took Bio and Chem with labs. A first year seminar that I hated. Precalculus( which was a pain in my ass. Thank god it's over. I hated that teacher so much). And an online itech excel class. I am on winter break right now until Jan 18. My schedule for my semester is busy. Bio and ch with labs again. Sociology:intro to anthropology. Women on religion. And history of musical theatre. I might like classes but I might not. So I have brought you up to date with my life. A little short but that's the important stuff (except the part of sex). Lol well I really should be sleeping because it is really late. Hopefully I'll remember to post things now that I remember the longin.

Till then,